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"Houston, we have a problem"

Its hard being a scientist on the moon, especially when a mutant alien wants to eat your friends! It's up to you and your fellow scientists to repair Dr. Bishop's classified technology in Area 53, aka The Dark Sector, and get your butts off the moon before the base explodes... but can you avoid becoming lunch?

We've all wondered what's really on the dark side of the moon, and here's your chance to find out. Future astronauts beware, they don't teach this in the training simulator!




We offer this Game-In-A-Box option that includes all of the puzzle props needed to get your game up and running. GIAB comes complete and ready to install, excluding theming/decorative items. Its everything you need to play the game, without the fluff.


With the purchase you will recieve:


Digital download

Detailed walk-through of game flow from a players perspective

Complete breakdown of all puzzles and mechanics in the game

A guide for setting up/resetting the room

Photos of all props used in the game to help you visualize the end product


Game prop-puzzles

- Custom built prop-puzzles ready to install. Plug and play.

- Complete set of game graphics and master print files

- Installation phone support if you have any questions!


You will recieve the digital download instantly, and the game prop-puzzles when they are ready to ship!

Dark Sector Game-In-A-Box

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